
It is a little known fact that you will also find our produce at restaurants, pubs and catering companies across Kent - many of which have been our customers since day one. We always welcome new wholesale enquiries and would be happy to discuss your requirements.

We are able to offer a wide variety of produce, ranging from fruit & vegetables to fresh meat, with the same level of quality you would find in our retail stores.  

Our Wholesale Offering In A Nutshell

  • We offer a 10% discount on all our retail prices, with the exception of box prices, which already carry a discount.
  • There's a £100 minimum order for each delivery, or you are welcome to collect.
  • Prices change weekly and we will notify you every Friday with the price changes for the following week.
  • We recognise the need for quality, consistency & value, and we are always at the end of the phone should you have any problems with your order or are in need of any support.

If you would like to go ahead and open an account with us please contact wholesale@macknade.com to discuss a regular pattern of delivery days & times, based on your location.