We're ditching disposable coffee cups
Written by: Rosie Collins
As of April 5th 2023, we are stopping single-use, disposable coffee cups in our Café & Food Village.
What does that mean for me?
You now need to bring your own reusable cup with you when you want a takeaway from us, or you can buy one for the reduced price of £3.
Put simply, it’s the right thing to do. In the last year, we used 18,500 disposable coffee cups and we want to prevent these from going into landfill. Of course, our disposable cups have always been recyclable, but as soon as they leave Macknade, we have no control over where they go and whether they get recycled.
Tell us about your cups
Our travel cups are made in partnership with Huski Home using repurposed rice husks - a widely wasted, natural bi-product from the mass production of rice. They were selected by us (after rigorous testing by the entire team!) as the best in class for enjoying a coffee on the go.
What now?
Don't worry, we won't be starving you of your favourite Macknade coffee while we make the transition. We just hope you understand why we’re doing it and support our decision. We know this is only a small part of the journey, but every change like this, however small, helps us to get one step closer to our goal of social & environmental harmony. As ever, we love to hear your thoughts so get in touch on enquiries@macknade.com or ask to speak to one of us in-store.