Slow Beef Curry w/ Pickled Forced Rhubarb
Marinade meat overnight with all marinade ingredients - this helps to tenderise the meat
Saute onion and bay leaf until golden
Add chilli and cook for a couple of minutes
Add meat and saute uncovered until it has taken an even colour
Add tomatoes and cook for a few minutes
Add stock and garam masala, cover and cook for 1.15 hr on a low simmer
Uncover and add coconut, continue to cook with the lid off on low simmer until reduced to the desired thicker consistency
While the curry is cooking, slice your rhubarb finely to fit and add to any sterilised jar
Heat all other ingredients together until they begin to simmer
Allow to cool before pouring over the top of the rhubarb and securely fastening lid
Serve when ready - it gets better with time!
Available in store
For The Marinade
- 750g leg of mutton cut
- 4 tbsps yoghurt
- 1 cinnamon stick
- 6 crushed green cardamom pods
- 1 tbsp crushed garlic
- 1 tbsp crushed ginger
For The Curry
- 1 chopped onion
- 1 bay leaf
- 2 red chillies
- 200 - 300ml of good meat stock
- 4 tomatoes, diced
- 1 tsp garam masala
- 2 tbsps dessicated coconut
For The Pickle
- 400g rhubarb
- 200ml white wine vinegar
- 100g caster sugar
- A few slices of ginger
- 2 tsps yellow mustard seeds
- 2 bay leaves